Friday 27 May 2011

Weddings everywhere! #li

Good weekend ahead with wedding at the Beach Cafe bar in Yeovil tonight and Las Vegas style wedding tomorrow at Westlands leisure complex tomorrow night with Elvis impersonator, Rat Pack singer and a magician! Should be excellent fun!!

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Tuesday 24 May 2011

Funeral Celebrant

I just have to say that this part of my business is the most rewarding. I am incredibly honoured that people entrust me with the funeral of their loved one. Thank you!

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Sunday 22 May 2011

Wedding photography & Disco

Spent a few hours this afternoon with Charlene and our wedding couple Josh & Sam looking at locations for photoshoots and where the disco will be set up etc. Gonna be a great day and I'm going to be Charlene's photo assistant for the day, may even get my own camera to play with, how cool is that!

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Off to see Josh and Sam to discuss arrangements for their wedding in August. Charlene and I are working together that day as Charlene is the photographer and I'm supplying the music. Should be a great day!

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Saturday 21 May 2011

Yeovilton Field Gun BBQ

At The Beach Cafe Bar in Yeovil tonight doing a DJ set. Dolly and the Gun Crew are here as well so come and say hi!

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Friday 20 May 2011

Well! What a week!

TGIF! My celebrant work seems to have found a life of it's own this week with new customers booking ceremonies. I really do find this part of my work so rewarding and have received some nice comments about my writing this week, thank you! Busy week booked next week as well, signs that I am now becoming accepted and trusted by my clients I hope?

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Friday 13 May 2011


Had some laughs with the ladies from the rounders team tonight. Karaoke set up and 'discovered ' Erin, a fantastic singer!

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Beach Cafe Bar Yeovil

Great time at the Gryphon School 6th form Disco Wednesday. Non stop dancing all night!

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Tuesday 10 May 2011

Beach karaoke #li

Great night tonight at the beach cafe bar on yeovil.

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New disco set up

Starting to get really excited now about the new disco set up! Extra lighting and new 'covers' will further enhance the 'Smile' experience.
1st venue set up will be this Saturday so wish me luck!

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Monday 9 May 2011

Monday, Monday

Off to see my Toastmaster colleague Mark Wilding today.Then over to Wells for a tour of the new crematorium there as I am conducting a Ceremony there soon. Then back home for Charlene's Dad's birthday and finally NADJ mtg this evening! Phew!

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Saturday 7 May 2011

Billy R.I.P.

Thank to everyone for your kind words and thoughts. I had forgotten that Billy had met so many of you.

Although he was crazy and could be a right pain, Billy has left a big hole in the house and Charlene, Cris and I are finding it very quiet and strange. We keep looking around and expecting him to be there.

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Friday 6 May 2011

Wedding meetings #li

Off to meet Ashley & Jenny this evening to discuss their wedding entertainment requirements. Also speaking to Krystle a bit later to go through her wedding plans. Krystle has booked me as her Master of Ceremonies for her wedding in June .

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Celebrant business#li

My Celebant business is so rewarding, meeting nice people who want really personal Ceremonies created, and getting to see some beautiful Dorset countryside today

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Why do we let ourselves get so attached to pets?

My old springer spaniel suffered a massive fit during the night and we had to have him put to sleep today. Very upsetting and now house is very quiet.

RIP Billy.

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Thursday 5 May 2011

Linkedin test #li

Ok this is a test for my linkedin.

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Nick the magician

Helloooo! Hopefully thanks to my good friend Nick Burrett this post will be getting through to you all. If you get a chance, please add a comment so that I know someone. Has seen this?

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Thank you!

Thank you for all the kind wishes for my birthday last week. Would have blogged sooner but my Wordpress iphone app not playing !

Hello world

Hello everone! My iPhone wordpress app has given up the ghost so I have switched to blogpress.

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