Friday 9 September 2011

Local issues. Red tape grrrrr! #li

Earlier this year I was honoured when asked to chair the meeting of a networking group of DJs and a new branch of NADJ. The good news is that at our last mtg we had 40 DJs attend.

The downside is that due to a heated debate going on re, what else Money! Some people did not hear a couple of votes taken correctly which then instead of requesting a local meeting with myself and the secretary to sort it out, immediately started proceedings for an EGM!

There was no need for this in my humble opinion but having requested the EGM we now have to do things ' by the book' and run the risk of alienating 60% of the people who actually turn up and contribute to the group dynamics.

I for one am now questioning whether I want to continue investing in this group as to be quite honest I became a self employed DJ so that I would not have to put up with ' office politics '.

I am going to continue networking with other DJs as I believe that is how we can educate each other and the public on how to value the work we do correctly. Not sure at the moment whether I want to serve on a committee though.

Ok, that's off my chest!

thanks for looking! Regards Roger


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